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    Orpheus and Muses plaque

    In mythology Orpheus was the chief representative of the arts of song and the lyre. The mythical figure of Orpheus was borrowed by the Greeks from their Thracian neighbours; the Thracian "Orphic Mysteries", rituals of unknown content, were named after him. According to the best-known tradition, Orpheus was the son of Oeagrus, king of Thrace, and the muse Calliope. Sometimes, Calliope and Apollo were his parents. Orpheus learned music from Linus or from Apollo. He was killed by the Maenads and buried in Macedonia, below Mount Olympus.

    Product No: #231

    Weight: 16 Lb.
    Dimensions: W: 20.75" H: 20.5" D: 2.5"

    In Stock: Yes

    Price: $599.00