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    Weary Heracles Hercules Farnese plaque

    In Greek mythology, Heracles was the demigod son of Zeus and Alcmene, the grand-daughter of Perseus and the wife of Amphitryon. In Roman mythology he was called Hercules. He was, arguably, the greatest of the mythical heroes, best known for his superhuman strength and many stories are told of his life. The most famous group of stories tell of The Twelve Labours of Herakles. In ancient art is portrayed nude and leaning (hence "Weary Heracles") with the lion's skin near him. This is a reproduction of the statue Weary Heracles Hercules Farnese now in the National Archeological Museum at Naples.

    Product No: #194

    Weight: 8 Lb.
    Dimensions: W: 13.25" H: 20" D: 2"

    In Stock: Yes

    Price: $140.00