In these modem times of fast-paced technology and mass production, it is rare to find unique sculptural masterpieces of unparalleled excellence and craftsmanship. Ancient Excavation is an exception. Here the timeless beauty and
elegance of antiquity is very much alive. We create a full line of classically inspired and uniquely detailed free standing
sculpture, busts, wall plaques, fireplace mantles, brackets, pedestals for accents, dining, coffee or end tables,
decorative tiles and moldings, and much more. All items are accurate reproductions of sculptures from the Classical to the Victorian era found in museums around the world. We offer
some of the best masterpieces of Greek, Macedonian, Hellenistic,
Roman, Egyptian, Persian, Indian, Mayan, Christian and Western
sculpture. Each piece is a work of art – first manually carved in wood
or sculptured in clay and then cast in stone and beautifully antique-
finished to enhance its historical value. Among the known famous
items that you will come across in our collection is the Alexander the
Great Sarcophagus, the Wounded Warrior of Aegina, Weary Heracles,
Apollo Belvedere, Venus of Melos, Artemis, Philip of Macedon,
Demosthenes, Hippocrates, the Three Graces… We are first and only
one in the world to have recreated and offered large masterpieces
such as the Alexander Sarcophagus. We are the first to have
restored damaged sculpture, and offered both the original museum and
its restored version, such as the bust of Alexander the Great found at
the Athens Acropolis. In fact, we offer more busts, sculptures,
statues, and reliefs of Alexander the Great then any Internet store.